Our Team
Meet the people of First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Sue Watkins
Rev. Sue Watkins started attending church at the age of 5 at Placentia Presbyterian Church in Orange County, California. Through the witness of Sunday school teachers and youth leaders she professed her faith in Jesus Christ at the age of 13 and felt the call to ministry at the age of 14. She was ordained as a ruling elder in 1977 and as a Minister of Word and Sacrament (now teaching elder) in 1989. Sue has a great love for ministry with children and youth, having spent a total of 20 years as a volunteer, staff member and pastor dedicated to these. A 1988 graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary, she is now joyfully serving as Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Puyallup and has also served as Moderator for the Presbytery of Olympia. Sue is married to Dave Henry. Their family includes his children Amanda and Travis (Melissa), her son Bobby, and their grandson Jakob.
Katie Wolfe
Youth & Young Adult Coordinator
“Hello! My name is Katie and I am the new Youth and Young Adult Coordinator. I am so excited to jump into this role! I come into this work with previous experience working in homeless services at Associated Ministries in Tacoma and REACH Ministries, an organization that provides support for individuals and families affected by HIV. Serving the community is my calling. This opportunity to work with the congregation and within the community is a blessing. Some fun facts about me: I am the oldest of 8 children, I have 7 younger brothers aging from 6-21. I am continuing school in the Fall where I will be working towards receiving my Bachelors in Community Health. In my free time, I play board games, card games, video games (pretty much any type of game, actually). I also volunteer with Serve the Children, a missions organization that supports schools in Liberia, India, and Zambia. “
Bill Klouse
Coordinator of Music Ministry
Bill is the Music Director/Conductor at South Puget Sound New Horizons Band and works as the Connections Director at Washington Music Educators Association Board. He allegedly retired from teaching, but is often found substituting in a classroom. Bill is married to his long-time love Andrea, and enjoys being a father, grandfather, dog walker, and occasional retiree.
Andrea Klouse
Worship Leader/Choir Director:
Andrea has taught music across the state of Washington. She worked in a variety of schools and districts, and finally retired from the Bethel School District. Andrea has served as the President of the Washington Music Educators Association and is a Founder of Vivace! Choral Program. In addition to being an educator, published composer, and clinician, Andrea is also an accomplished wife to Bill, mother, and grandmother.
Diane Gibbons
Church Administrator
Diane, has many years of experience at First Presbyterian Church of Puyallup. She started here in 2009 and has finally landed this wonderful heartwarming job. She has two children both of which grew up in this Church. Diane has dedicated her spirit and abilities to our community and will continue to do so as long as we need her.
Nola Gene Byrd
Parish Nurse
Nola Gene and her husband Scott are adapting to life as empty-nesters as their twin sons have recently launched into college. Nola Gene is kept busy with her nursing job at St. Clare Hospital in Lakewood and her crafting addiction.