Our Native American Neighbors
Our Matthew 25 team is making plans to help us do two things: 1) learn about systemic poverty and structural racism, and 2) do something about systemic poverty and structural racism.
During 2023, we will be getting to know more about Native Americans and learning how we can advocate for justice and equal opportunities for these people whose history on this continent goes back thousands of years. We look forward to deepening our partnership with our neighbors at Church of the Indian Fellowship in Tacoma this year. Their pastor, Rev. Irv Porter, is also the Associate for Native American Congregational Support in the PC(USA). He is enthusiastic about supporting our journey!
Our first step is getting to know the Puyallup Tribe. Please take the time to visit their website and browse around to see what is happening now. While you are there, click on the Tribal History link, turn up your sound, and listen to tribal members share their history in both English and their native tongue.
Tribal website: http://www.puyallup-tribe.com/
Tribal History Page: http://www.puyallup-tribe.com/ourtribe/

Land Acknowledgment
We acknowledge that we are on the traditional homelands of the Puyallup Tribe. The Puyallup people have lived on and stewarded these lands since the beginning of time, and continue to do so today. We recognize that this land acknowledgement is one small step toward true allyship and we commit to uplifting the voices, experiences, and histories of the Indigenous people of this land and beyond.
Kids' Land Acknowledgment
Here is the land.
Here is the sky.
Here are my friends
And here am I.
We thank the Puyallup People
For the land where we live and play.
We promise to take care of it
Every single day.