Music Ministry
power of music
and the worship experience
At First Presbyterian Church we believe in the power of music. For many, music has always served as an integral part of a worship experience. For others, the music is the worship itself. Whether you value God’s gift of music as a consumer or a creator, we have a place for you!

Praise Team
Our Praise Team leads the congregation in song during weekly services and other gatherings. If you enjoy singing contemporary music or have the ability to play an instrument, this may be the group for you. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Please join us!
The Chancel Choir leads our congregation in the singing of hymns and often provides a song of gratitude during our worship services. If you enjoy traditional hymns, read music, or simply love to sing, you should attend a practice. No prior experience is required, just a love of the Lord and a positive attitude! Choir rehearsals are held on Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
Alleluia Ringers
Our handbell choir is a great way to get involved in music ministry. Because a handbell musician is responsible for a very limited number of notes, they require minimal training to play. This makes it easy for new ringers to join even if they don’t have prior music experience. If your lack of experience makes you hesitant to get involved in music ministry, give the Alleluia Ringers a try! Their practice is every Sunday at 6:30pm in the Choir Room.