A great church community includes people with a wide variety of experiences and gifts to share. When we learn more about each other, we not only strengthen our bonds, we become better disciples for Christ. Here at First Presbyterian Church, we want everyone to feel like they are an important part of our family.

A great church community includes people with a wide variety of experiences and gifts to share. When we learn more about each other, we not only strengthen our bonds, we become better disciples for Christ. Here at First Presbyterian Church, we want everyone to feel like they are an important part of our family.
New Member Classes
If you have been attending our services and want to know more, we offer New Member Classes. All are welcome, regardless of where they are on their faith journey. We want to know you and, in turn, want you to know us. You will learn a brief history of the church and discover how Presbyterian Church (USA) is governed. Finally, we will discuss what is expected of our members and why we think joining the church is worthwhile.

As Christians, we believe we are called to serve God by helping one another. Through our service, we are actually growing in our own faith as we strive to improve the lives of others. Whether your service takes place within the walls of our building, out in the community, or across the globe, we would love to help you find your place to serve.